How monasticism is helping my mental health

Monasticism. An institutionalized religious practice or movement whose members attempt to live by a rule that requires works that go beyond those of either the laity or the ordinary spiritual leaders of their religions.Britannica To preface: I don't live a monastic life, obviously. I wouldn't be allowed to have this blog, for starters. Aside from the adult …

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Self-doubt can take a hike

It's been difficult not to lose faith recently. In myself. In the world. In the people in the world. All of it. My faith in my writing abilities regarding self-doubt is a constant battle for me. Despite a blog where I'm incredibly thrilled people actually like what comes out of my head, every time I get to …

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My job is not solely to reproduce

CONTENT NOTE: Contains mentions of the following: forced childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, religious fundamentalism, purity culture, sexism and transphobia. Reader discretion is strongly advised. It's the question many uterus owners get asked and whichever way we answer, are scrutinised for it: 'So, when are you having children?' Having children is something many of us do and …

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