Snow and my new glasses

After being snowed in for a couple of days, I layered up to brave the elements and get some errands run.

Even with five very thick layers on, my hat, scarf, gloves etc. it was freezing with the windchill! Once I got in to town though, it wasn’t too bad thank goodness. I could dive in to a coffee shop to keep warm for a bit! πŸ˜‚

Also, I got my new glasses! They’re simple brown square rimmed ones, and I absolutely love them! After a few tweaks during the fitting I was good to go. It took a little while for my eyes to adjust but at least I know if I need to distance I can now. *Phew!*

Honestly, I couldn’t wait to see my boyfriend’s reaction when he got home from work πŸ˜‚ No doubt he’d say something that’d make me laugh.

“You look like a real nerd!” He said jokingly (insert my laughter here) before saying, “Very sexy!” πŸ˜‚

Not showing the rest of my face for privacy, but here they are! 😊 Sorry if I look a bit serious, I was trying to concentrate as the lighting was awful! lol

All my love,

Violet xx

11 thoughts on “Snow and my new glasses

  1. collaredmichael

    Beautiful eyes. It’s such a pleasure to be able to see clearly again isn’t it?? The doctor promises me that is how I’ll feel after my eye surgery. I’m hoping he knows what he’s talking about. lol
    Oh and the glasses are nice too!!

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    1. Aw thank you, that’s really kind of you 😘 It definitely is! Thankfully I don’t have to wear them all the time but at least I can see properly now lol πŸ˜‚ I’m sure you’ll be fine with the surgery, send positive thoughts your way! 😊 Thanks, glad you like them! 😊 x

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