My Nashville Lady

Today, my Nashville lady, you leave my life
Fighting to be strong
While I’m dying inside
Your sad eyes captivates me
My chest clenches tight
Never a word spoken
Yet our eyes speak a thousand words
Mine begging you to stay
Yours wishing you could, but life calls you home
When your lips tenderly meet mine
Time stops, my heart breaks anew
I wish so deeply for this moment in time
To stay still forever
Our first kiss, I pray will not be our last
Damn myself for not doing this sooner
So long in love yet neither one of us said a word
Too scared to hurt
Now we both pay the price
For the moment our lips break apart
My heart rips out
Entrusting with you to hold, my Southern belle
Until the day we meet again

Whoever said boys don’t cry
Told the greatest of all lies
No broken bones
Bruises, scars or scrapes come close
For there is no greater pain
Than when life tries to rob a man
Of the love of his life
As I watch you board the train
My wonderful, Nashville lady
I feel my being wither, break and tear
I vow I’ll find you in the future
So we can be together again
But for now, as our eyes meet this last time
All I can do is cry
No amount of liquor I drink that night
Can stop the tears falling down my face

Violet Grey
Copyright, 2017 – The Life of Violet
All Rights Reserved.
*Picture – Pinterest

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